A mother – daughter team of researchers is putting together research on the relationship between adult transnational adoptees and their adoptive parents. The goal is open dialogue between adoptees and their adoptive parents on issues related to transnational adoption.
If you are an adult transnational adoptee or the adoptive parent of an adult transnational adoptee and you would like to take part in this research please visit the website to find out more about this study, access the surveys, or send requests to be interviewed: http://transnational-adoptee-parent-study.webs.com/
Website: http://transnational-adoptee-parent-study.webs.com/
FB page: http://www.facebook.com/Stories.Adoptee.Parent
Parent Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Stories_Adoptive_Parent
Adoptee Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Stories_Adult_Adoptee
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